Геном прокариот/Материалы:NC 002935
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LOCUS NC_002935 2488635 bp DNA circular BCT 03-DEC-2005 DEFINITION Corynebacterium diphtheriae NCTC 13129, complete genome. ACCESSION NC_002935 VERSION NC_002935.2 GI:38232642 KEYWORDS complete genome. SOURCE Corynebacterium diphtheriae NCTC 13129 ORGANISM Corynebacterium diphtheriae NCTC 13129 Bacteria; Actinobacteria; Actinobacteridae; Actinomycetales; Corynebacterineae; Corynebacteriaceae; Corynebacterium. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2488635) AUTHORS Cerdeno-Tarraga,A.M., Efstratiou,A., Dover,L.G., Holden,M.T.G., Pallen,M., Bentley,S.D., Besra,G.S., Churcher,C., James,K.D., De Zoysa,A., Chillingworth,T., Cronin,A., Dowd,L., Feltwell,T., Hamlin,N., Holroyd,S., Jagels,K., Moule,S., Quail,M.A., Rabbinowitsch,E., Rutherford,K., Thomson,N.R., Unwin,L., Whitehead,S. and Barrell B.G. Parkhill,J. TITLE The complete genome sequence and analysis of Corynebacterium diphtheriae NCTC13129 JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 31 (22), 6516-6523 (2003) PUBMED 14602910 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 2488635) AUTHORS Cerdeno-Tarraga,A.M. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (03-OCT-2003) Cerdeno-Tarraga A.M., submitted on behalf of the Pathogen Sequencing Unit, Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA E-mail: amct@sanger.ac.uk REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 2488635) CONSRTM NCBI Genome Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (08-APR-2002) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA COMMENT PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from BX248353. On Nov 10, 2003 this sequence version replaced gi:20070482. COMPLETENESS: full length.
Расположение РНК
[править]Начало | Конец | Направление | Длина | PID | Ген | COG | Комментарий |
11818 | 11891 | + | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt01 | - | Anticodon: GAT |
11904 | 11976 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt02 | - | Anticodon: TGC |
19068 | 19141 | + | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt03 | - | Anticodon: GAT |
19154 | 19226 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt04 | - | Anticodon: TGC |
20221 | 20293 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt05 | - | Anticodon: TGC |
53080 | 53163 | + | 84 | 38232642 | DIPt06 | - | Anticodon: CAG |
150357 | 150441 | + | 85 | 38232642 | DIPt07 | - | Anticodon: TGA |
151769 | 151857 | + | 89 | 38232642 | DIPt08 | - | Anticodon: GCT |
151905 | 151977 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt09 | - | Anticodon: ACG |
154077 | 154149 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt10 | - | Anticodon: ACG |
190709 | 190788 | + | 80 | 38232642 | DIPt11 | - | Anticodon: ACG |
210284 | 210371 | + | 88 | 38232642 | DIPt12 | - | Anticodon: CGA |
219137 | 219222 | - | 86 | 38232642 | DIPt13 | - | Anticodon: GGA |
264680 | 264753 | - | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt14 | - | Anticodon: CGG |
305408 | 305480 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt15 | - | Anticodon: CGT |
394779 | 394860 | + | 82 | 38232642 | DIPt16 | - | Anticodon: GTA |
395053 | 395125 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt17 | - | Anticodon: GGT |
395164 | 395235 | + | 72 | 38232642 | DIPt18 | - | Anticodon: CAT |
395264 | 395336 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt19 | - | Anticodon: CCA |
710975 | 711048 | + | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt20 | - | Anticodon: CAT |
743383 | 744774 | + | 1392 | 38232642 | DIP0766.1 | - | 16S ribosomal RNA |
745234 | 748318 | + | 3085 | 38232642 | DIPr02 | - | possible 23S ribosomal RNA |
748458 | 748578 | + | 121 | 38232642 | DIPr03 | - | 5S ribosomal RNA |
795540 | 795612 | - | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt21 | - | Anticodon: CCT |
882605 | 882676 | + | 72 | 38232642 | DIPt22 | - | Anticodon: TTG |
895059 | 895132 | + | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt23 | - | Anticodon: TAA |
1008521 | 1008593 | - | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt24 | - | Anticodon: CCG |
1100709 | 1100780 | + | 72 | 38232642 | DIPt25 | - | Anticodon: CTG |
1100814 | 1100886 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt26 | - | Anticodon: CTC |
1106131 | 1106203 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt27 | - | Anticodon: CTC |
1129683 | 1129756 | - | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt28 | - | Anticodon: CAA |
1170343 | 1171734 | + | 1392 | 38232642 | DIPr04 | - | 16S ribosomal RNA |
1172194 | 1175278 | + | 3085 | 38232642 | DIPr05 | - | possible 23S ribosomal RNA |
1175418 | 1175538 | + | 121 | 38232642 | DIPr06 | - | 5S ribosomal RNA |
1201374 | 1201447 | + | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt29 | - | Anticodon: GGG |
1273184 | 1273269 | + | 86 | 38232642 | DIPt30 | - | Anticodon: GAG |
1409586 | 1409657 | - | 72 | 38232642 | DIPt31 | - | Anticodon: CAC |
1409946 | 1410018 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt32 | - | Anticodon: GCC |
1410036 | 1410107 | + | 72 | 38232642 | DIPt33 | - | Anticodon: GAC |
1410141 | 1410213 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt34 | - | Anticodon: GCC |
1410252 | 1410322 | + | 71 | 38232642 | DIPt35 | - | Anticodon: GCA |
1410330 | 1410401 | + | 72 | 38232642 | DIPt36 | - | Anticodon: GAC |
1410435 | 1410507 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt37 | - | Anticodon: GCC |
1722455 | 1722527 | - | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt38 | - | Anticodon: TAC |
1734689 | 1734761 | - | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt39 | - | Anticodon: GTT |
1734940 | 1735013 | + | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt40 | - | Anticodon: CAT |
1842304 | 1842377 | - | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt41 | - | Anticodon: TGG |
1842721 | 1842792 | - | 72 | 38232642 | DIPt42 | - | Anticodon: TCC |
1861148 | 1861221 | - | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt43 | - | Anticodon: TCT |
1863910 | 1863982 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt44 | - | Anticodon: GTG |
1866327 | 1866399 | + | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt45 | - | Anticodon: CTT |
1893990 | 1894071 | - | 82 | 38232642 | DIPt46 | - | Anticodon: TAG |
1923546 | 1923618 | - | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt47 | - | Anticodon: GGC |
1931339 | 1931459 | - | 121 | 38232642 | DIPr07 | - | 5S ribosomal RNA |
1931599 | 1934685 | - | 3087 | 38232642 | DIPr08 | - | possible 23S ribosomal RNA |
1935145 | 1936536 | - | 1392 | 38232642 | DIPr09 | - | 16S ribosomal RNA |
1942583 | 1942655 | - | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt48 | - | Anticodon: GAA |
1942678 | 1942751 | - | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt49 | - | Anticodon: GTC |
1944118 | 1944191 | - | 74 | 38232642 | DIPt50 | - | Anticodon: GTC |
1944221 | 1944293 | - | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt51 | - | Anticodon: TTC |
1950154 | 1950226 | - | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt52 | - | Anticodon: TTT |
2011963 | 2012035 | - | 73 | 38232642 | DIPt53 | - | Anticodon: TGT |
2184694 | 2184814 | - | 121 | 38232642 | DIPr10 | - | 5S ribosomal RNA |
2184953 | 2188037 | - | 3085 | 38232642 | DIPr11 | - | possible 23S ribosomal RNA |
2188497 | 2189888 | - | 1392 | 38232642 | DIPr12 | - | 16S ribosomal RNA |
2209315 | 2209385 | + | 71 | 38232642 | DIPt54 | - | Anticodon: CCC |
2369527 | 2369647 | - | 121 | 38232642 | DIPr13 | - | 5S ribosomal RNA |
2369786 | 2372870 | - | 3085 | 38232642 | DIPr14 | - | possible 23S ribosomal RNA |
2373330 | 2374721 | - | 1392 | 38232642 | DIPr15 | - | 16S ribosomal RNA |