Геном прокариот/Материалы:NC 000962
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LOCUS NC_000962 4411532 bp DNA circular BCT 24-MAY-2007 DEFINITION Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, complete genome. ACCESSION NC_000962 VERSION NC_000962.2 GI:57116681 KEYWORDS complete genome. SOURCE Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv ORGANISM Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv Bacteria; Actinobacteria; Actinobacteridae; Actinomycetales; Corynebacterineae; Mycobacteriaceae; Mycobacterium; Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Camus,J.C., Pryor,M.J., Medigue,C. and Cole,S.T. TITLE Re-annotation of the genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv JOURNAL Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 148 (Pt 10), 2967-2973 (2002) PUBMED 12368430 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 4411532) AUTHORS Cole,S.T., Brosch,R., Parkhill,J., Garnier,T., Churcher,C., Harris,D., Gordon,S.V., Eiglmeier,K., Gas,S., Barry,C.E. III, Tekaia,F., Badcock,K., Basham,D., Brown,D., Chillingworth,T., Connor,R., Davies,R., Devlin,K., Feltwell,T., Gentles,S., Hamlin,N., Holroyd,S., Hornsby,T., Jagels,K., Krogh,A., McLean,J., Moule,S., Murphy,L., Oliver,K., Osborne,J., Quail,M.A., Rajandream,M.A., Rogers,J., Rutter,S., Seeger,K., Skelton,J., Squares,R., Squares,S., Sulston,J.E., Taylor,K., Whitehead,S. and Barrell,B.G. TITLE Deciphering the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the complete genome sequence JOURNAL Nature 393 (6685), 537-544 (1998) PUBMED 9634230 REMARK Erratum:[Nature 1998 Nov 12;396(6707):190] REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4411532) CONSRTM NCBI Genome Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (13-SEP-2001) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 4411529) AUTHORS Parkhill,J. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (11-JUN-1998) Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA Unite de Genetique Moleculaire Bacterienne, Institut Pasteur, 28 rue du Docteur Roux, 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France COMMENT PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from AL123456. On Jan 5, 2005 this sequence version replaced gi:15607142. COMPLETENESS: full length.
Расположение РНК
[править]Начало | Конец | Направление | Длина | PID | Ген | COG | Комментарий |
10887 | 10960 | + | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt01 | - | Anticodon: GAT |
11112 | 11184 | + | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt02 | - | Anticodon: TGC |
25644 | 25726 | + | 83 | 57116681 | Rvnt03 | - | Anticodon: CAG |
386204 | 386274 | - | 71 | 57116681 | Rvnt04 | - | Anticodon: CCC |
658109 | 658189 | + | 81 | 57116681 | Rvnt05 | - | Anticodon: GTA |
731494 | 731566 | + | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt06 | - | Anticodon: GGT |
731603 | 731676 | + | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt07 | - | Anticodon: CAT |
733524 | 733596 | + | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt08 | - | Anticodon: CCA |
850642 | 850713 | - | 72 | 57116681 | Rvnt09 | - | Anticodon: TGT |
923803 | 923875 | - | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt10 | - | Anticodon: TTT |
923999 | 924072 | + | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt11 | - | Anticodon: TTC |
924110 | 924183 | + | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt12 | - | Anticodon: GTC |
924213 | 924286 | + | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt13 | - | Anticodon: GAA |
1025321 | 1025393 | - | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt14 | - | Anticodon: CCT |
1113511 | 1113583 | + | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt15 | - | Anticodon: CGC |
1138076 | 1138147 | - | 72 | 57116681 | Rvnt16 | - | Anticodon: TTG |
1177396 | 1177469 | + | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt17 | - | Anticodon: TAA |
1446193 | 1446265 | - | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt18 | - | Anticodon: CCG |
1471846 | 1473382 | + | 1537 | 57116681 | Rvnr01 | - | ribosomal RNA 16S |
1473658 | 1476795 | + | 3138 | 57116681 | Rvnr02 | - | ribosomal RNA 23S |
1476899 | 1477013 | + | 115 | 57116681 | Rvnr03 | - | ribosomal RNA 5S |
1512728 | 1512811 | + | 84 | 57116681 | Rvnt19 | - | Anticodon: TAG |
1828015 | 1828088 | - | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt20 | - | Anticodon: CAA |
1946613 | 1946686 | + | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt21 | - | Anticodon: GGG |
2401987 | 2402072 | + | 86 | 57116681 | Rvnt22 | - | Anticodon: GAG |
2500445 | 2500751 | - | 307 | 57116681 | Rvns01 | - | ribonuclease P RNA |
2510598 | 2510669 | - | 72 | 57116681 | Rvnt23 | - | Anticodon: TAC |
2581764 | 2581837 | - | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt24 | - | Anticodon: CAT |
2619407 | 2619479 | - | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt25 | - | Anticodon: GTT |
2765331 | 2765404 | - | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt26 | - | Anticodon: TGG |
2765541 | 2765611 | + | 71 | 57116681 | Rvnt27 | - | Anticodon: TCC |
2794176 | 2794249 | + | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt28 | - | Anticodon: TCT |
2827854 | 2827926 | + | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt29 | - | Anticodon: GTG |
2835494 | 2835566 | + | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt30 | - | Anticodon: CTT |
2969497 | 2969568 | - | 72 | 57116681 | Rvnt31 | - | Anticodon: CAC |
2969753 | 2969825 | + | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt32 | - | Anticodon: GCC |
2969855 | 2969925 | + | 71 | 57116681 | Rvnt33 | - | Anticodon: GCA |
2969942 | 2970013 | + | 72 | 57116681 | Rvnt34 | - | Anticodon: GAC |
3348547 | 3348619 | - | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt35 | - | Anticodon: CTC |
3348659 | 3348730 | - | 72 | 57116681 | Rvnt36 | - | Anticodon: CTG |
3431840 | 3431912 | - | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt37 | - | Anticodon: GGC |
3467813 | 3468419 | - | 607 | 57116681 | Rvns02 | - | 10Sa RNA |
3559370 | 3559443 | - | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt38 | - | Anticodon: CAT |
4081365 | 4081437 | - | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt39 | - | Anticodon: CGT |
4126541 | 4126614 | + | 74 | 57116681 | Rvnt40 | - | Anticodon: CGG |
4168345 | 4168430 | + | 86 | 57116681 | Rvnt41 | - | Anticodon: GGA |
4199131 | 4199217 | - | 87 | 57116681 | Rvnt42 | - | Anticodon: CGA |
4216865 | 4216937 | - | 73 | 57116681 | Rvnt43 | - | Anticodon: ACG |
4216968 | 4217056 | - | 89 | 57116681 | Rvnt44 | - | Anticodon: GCT |
4222581 | 4222667 | - | 87 | 57116681 | Rvnt45 | - | Anticodon: TGA |