Геном прокариот/Материалы:NC 000964
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LOCUS NC_000964 4214630 bp DNA circular BCT 14-AUG-2007 DEFINITION Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168, complete genome. ACCESSION NC_000964 VERSION NC_000964.2 GI:50812173 KEYWORDS complete genome. SOURCE Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168 ORGANISM Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168 Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Bacillus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 4214630) AUTHORS Kunst,F., Ogasawara,N., Moszer,I., Albertini,A.M., Alloni,G., Azevedo,V., Bertero,M.G., Bessieres,P., Bolotin,A., Borchert,S., Borriss,R., Boursier,L., Brans,A., Braun,M., Brignell,S.C., Bron,S., Brouillet,S., Bruschi,C.V., Caldwell,B., Capuano,V., Carter,N.M., Choi,S.K., Codani,J.J., Connerton,I.F., Cummings,N.J., Daniel,R.A., Denizot,F., Devine,K.M., Dusterhoft,A., Ehrlich,S.D., Emmerson,P.T., Entian,K.D., Errington,J., Fabret,C., Ferrari,E., Foulger,D., Fritz,C., Fujita,M., Fujita,Y., Fuma,S., Galizzi,A., Galleron,N., Ghim,S.Y., Glaser,P., Goffeau,A., Golightly,E.J., Grandi,G., Guiseppi,G., Guy,B.J., Haga,K., Haiech,J., Harwood,C.R., Henaut,A., Hilbert,H., Holsappel,S., Hosono,S., Hullo,M.F., Itaya,M., Jones,L., Joris,B., Karamata,D., Kasahara,Y., Klaerr-Blanchard,M., Klein,C., Kobayashi,Y., Koetter,P., Koningstein,G., Krogh,S., Kumano,M., Kurita,K., Lapidus,A., Lardinois,S., Lauber,J., Lazarevic,V., Lee,S.M., Levine,A., Liu,H., Masuda,S., Mauel,C., Medigue,C., Medina,N., Mellado,R.P., Mizuno,M., Moestl,D., Nakai,S., Noback,M., Noone,D., O'Reilly,M., Ogawa,K., Ogiwara,A., Oudega,B., Park,S.H., Parro,V., Pohl,T.M., Portetelle,D., Porwollik,S., Prescott,A.M., Presecan,E., Pujic,P., Purnelle,B., Rapoport,G., Rey,M., Reynolds,S., Rieger,M., Rivolta,C., Rocha,E., Roche,B., Rose,M., Sadaie,Y., Sato,T., Scanlan,E., Schleich,S., Schroeter,R., Scoffone,F., Sekiguchi,J., Sekowska,A., Seror,S.J., Serror,P., Shin,B.S., Soldo,B., Sorokin,A., Tacconi,E., Takagi,T., Takahashi,H., Takemaru,K., Takeuchi,M., Tamakoshi,A., Tanaka,T., Terpstra,P., Tognoni,A., Tosato,V., Uchiyama,S., Vandenbol,M., Vannier,F., Vassarotti,A., Viari,A., Wambutt,R., Wedler,E., Wedler,H., Weitzenegger,T., Winters,P., Wipat,A., Yamamoto,H., Yamane,K., Yasumoto,K., Yata,K., Yoshida,K., Yoshikawa,H.F., Zumstein,E., Yoshikawa,H. and Danchin,A. TITLE The complete genome sequence of the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis JOURNAL Nature 390 (6657), 249-256 (1997) PUBMED 9384377 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 4214630) CONSRTM NCBI Genome Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (12-OCT-2001) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4214630) AUTHORS Kunst,F., Ogasawara,N., Yoshikawa,H. and Danchin,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (18-NOV-1997) Institut Pasteur, Regulation de l'Expression Genetique, 28 rue du Docteur Roux, Paris Cedex 15 75724, France COMMENT PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from AL009126. On Jul 29, 2004 this sequence version replaced gi:16077068. COMPLETENESS: full length.
Расположение РНК
[править]Начало | Конец | Направление | Длина | PID | Ген | COG | Комментарий |
9808 | 11362 | + | 1555 | 50812173 | BSUr001 | - | ribosomal RNA-16S |
11462 | 11538 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt001 | - | 14 Ile tRNA |
11550 | 11625 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt002 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
11707 | 14634 | + | 2928 | 50812173 | BSUr002 | - | ribosomal RNA-23S |
14690 | 14808 | + | 119 | 50812173 | BSUr003 | - | ribosomal RNA-5S |
22290 | 22382 | + | 93 | 50812173 | BSUt003 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
26377 | 26730 | + | 354 | 50812173 | BSUs001 | - | small cytoplasmic RNA (scRNA, 4.5S RNA), signal recognition particle-like (SRP) component |
30276 | 31830 | + | 1555 | 50812173 | BSUr004 | - | ribosomal RNA-16S |
31930 | 32006 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt004 | - | 14 Ile tRNA |
32018 | 32093 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt005 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
32175 | 35102 | + | 2928 | 50812173 | BSUr005 | - | ribosomal RNA-23S |
35235 | 35353 | + | 119 | 50812173 | BSUr006 | - | ribosomal RNA-5S |
70179 | 70255 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt006 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
70265 | 70339 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt007 | - | 04 Glu tRNA |
90532 | 92086 | + | 1555 | 50812173 | BSUr007 | - | ribosomal RNA-16S |
92251 | 95178 | + | 2928 | 50812173 | BSUr008 | - | ribosomal RNA-23S |
95234 | 95352 | + | 119 | 50812173 | BSUr009 | - | ribosomal RNA-5S |
95372 | 95447 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt008 | - | 13 Val tRNA |
95452 | 95527 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt009 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |
95564 | 95639 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt010 | - | 10 Lys tRNA |
95646 | 95731 | + | 86 | 50812173 | BSUt011 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
95769 | 95843 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt012 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
95858 | 95946 | + | 89 | 50812173 | BSUt013 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
95953 | 96029 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt014 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
96057 | 96133 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt015 | - | 03 Pro tRNA |
96143 | 96218 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt016 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
96388 | 97942 | + | 1555 | 50812173 | BSUr010 | - | ribosomal RNA-16S |
98107 | 101034 | + | 2928 | 50812173 | BSUr011 | - | ribosomal RNA-23S |
101090 | 101208 | + | 119 | 50812173 | BSUr012 | - | ribosomal RNA-5S |
160891 | 162444 | + | 1554 | 50812173 | BSUr013 | - | ribosomal RNA-16S |
162609 | 165534 | + | 2926 | 50812173 | BSUr014 | - | ribosomal RNA-23S |
165590 | 165708 | + | 119 | 50812173 | BSUr015 | - | ribosomal RNA-5S |
165753 | 165827 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt017 | - | 07 Asn tRNA |
165829 | 165904 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt018 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |
165958 | 166032 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt019 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
166063 | 166139 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt020 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
166167 | 166243 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt021 | - | 03 Pro tRNA |
166252 | 166327 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt022 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
166498 | 168052 | + | 1555 | 50812173 | BSUr016 | - | ribosomal RNA-16S |
168217 | 171140 | + | 2924 | 50812173 | BSUr017 | - | ribosomal RNA-23S |
171196 | 171314 | + | 119 | 50812173 | BSUr018 | - | ribosomal RNA-5S |
171496 | 173048 | + | 1553 | 50812173 | BSUr019 | - | ribosomal RNA-16S |
173213 | 176140 | + | 2928 | 50812173 | BSUr020 | - | ribosomal RNA-23S |
176196 | 176314 | + | 119 | 50812173 | BSUr021 | - | ribosomal RNA-5S |
194197 | 194265 | + | 69 | 50812173 | BSUt023 | - | 04 Glu tRNA |
194272 | 194347 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt024 | - | 13 Val tRNA |
194352 | 194427 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt025 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |
194447 | 194531 | + | 85 | 50812173 | BSUt026 | - | 18 Tyr tRNA |
194536 | 194610 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt027 | - | 05 Gln tRNA |
528265 | 528339 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt028 | - | 07 Asn tRNA |
528344 | 528434 | + | 91 | 50812173 | BSUt029 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
528464 | 528538 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt030 | - | 04 Glu tRNA |
528547 | 528621 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt031 | - | 05 Gln tRNA |
528648 | 528723 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt032 | - | 10 Lys tRNA |
528735 | 528819 | + | 85 | 50812173 | BSUt033 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
528897 | 528983 | + | 87 | 50812173 | BSUt034 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
634657 | 634733 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt035 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
634747 | 634820 | + | 74 | 50812173 | BSUt036 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
634980 | 636534 | + | 1555 | 50812173 | BSUr022 | - | ribosomal RNA-16S |
636702 | 639629 | + | 2928 | 50812173 | BSUr023 | - | ribosomal RNA-23S |
639685 | 639803 | + | 119 | 50812173 | BSUr024 | - | ribosomal RNA-5S |
639815 | 639891 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt037 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
639952 | 640028 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt038 | - | 06 Asp tRNA |
946030 | 947583 | + | 1554 | 50812173 | BSUr025 | - | ribosomal RNA-16S |
947751 | 950679 | + | 2929 | 50812173 | BSUr026 | - | ribosomal RNA-23S |
950788 | 950910 | + | 123 | 50812173 | BSUr027 | - | ribosomal RNA-5S |
950916 | 950990 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt039 | - | 07 Asn tRNA |
950996 | 951087 | + | 92 | 50812173 | BSUt040 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
951122 | 951196 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt041 | - | 04 Glu tRNA |
951203 | 951278 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt042 | - | 13 Val tRNA |
951288 | 951364 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt043 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
951376 | 951452 | + | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt044 | - | 06 Asp tRNA |
951465 | 951540 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt045 | - | 17 Phe tRNA |
951546 | 951621 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt046 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |
951641 | 951725 | + | 85 | 50812173 | BSUt047 | - | 18 Tyr tRNA |
951731 | 951804 | + | 74 | 50812173 | BSUt048 | - | 20 Trp tRNA |
951829 | 951904 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt049 | - | 09 His tRNA |
951914 | 951988 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt050 | - | 05 Gln tRNA |
952035 | 952109 | + | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt051 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
952115 | 952188 | + | 74 | 50812173 | BSUt052 | - | 19 Cys tRNA |
952193 | 952281 | + | 89 | 50812173 | BSUt053 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
952547 | 952631 | + | 85 | 50812173 | BSUt054 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
966402 | 966475 | + | 74 | 50812173 | BSUt055 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
1262101 | 1262176 | + | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt056 | - | 13 Val tRNA |
2002484 | 2002559 | - | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt057 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
2330517 | 2330917 | - | 401 | 50812173 | BSUs002 | - | RNA component of ribonuclease P (RNase P) (catalytic subunit, ribozyme) |
2563122 | 2563195 | + | 74 | 50812173 | BSUt058 | - | 05 Gln tRNA |
2898879 | 2898955 | - | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt059 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
3170923 | 3170997 | - | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt060 | - | 04 Glu tRNA |
3171023 | 3171113 | - | 91 | 50812173 | BSUt061 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
3171117 | 3171191 | - | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt062 | - | 07 Asn tRNA |
3171202 | 3171278 | - | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt063 | - | 14 Ile tRNA |
3171294 | 3171367 | - | 74 | 50812173 | BSUt064 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
3171378 | 3171453 | - | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt065 | - | 09 His tRNA |
3171471 | 3171546 | - | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt066 | - | 17 Phe tRNA |
3171559 | 3171635 | - | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt067 | - | 06 Asp tRNA |
3171647 | 3171723 | - | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt068 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
3171741 | 3171832 | - | 92 | 50812173 | BSUt069 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
3171839 | 3171915 | - | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt070 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
3171918 | 3171994 | - | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt071 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
3172012 | 3172087 | - | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt072 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
3172093 | 3172169 | - | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt073 | - | 03 Pro tRNA |
3172185 | 3172261 | - | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt074 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
3172268 | 3172356 | - | 89 | 50812173 | BSUt075 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
3172371 | 3172445 | - | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt076 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
3172451 | 3172537 | - | 87 | 50812173 | BSUt077 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
3172548 | 3172623 | - | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt078 | - | 10 Lys tRNA |
3172661 | 3172736 | - | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt079 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |
3172769 | 3172844 | - | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt080 | - | 13 Val tRNA |
3172864 | 3172982 | - | 119 | 50812173 | BSUr028 | - | ribosomal RNA-5S |
3173038 | 3175964 | - | 2927 | 50812173 | BSUr029 | - | ribosomal RNA-23S |
3176131 | 3177682 | - | 1552 | 50812173 | BSUr030 | - | ribosomal RNA-16S |
3193491 | 3193566 | - | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt081 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
3449742 | 3450101 | - | 360 | 50812173 | BSUs003 | - | 10Sa RNA |
3544916 | 3544994 | - | 79 | 50812173 | BSUt082 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
4153807 | 4153882 | - | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt083 | - | 17 Phe tRNA |
4153918 | 4153994 | - | 77 | 50812173 | BSUt084 | - | 06 Asp tRNA |
4154073 | 4154147 | - | 75 | 50812173 | BSUt085 | - | 04 Glu tRNA |
4154157 | 4154232 | - | 76 | 50812173 | BSUt086 | - | 10 Lys tRNA |