Геном прокариот/Материалы:NC 001318
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LOCUS NC_001318 910724 bp DNA linear BCT 08-AUG-2007 DEFINITION Borrelia burgdorferi B31, complete genome. ACCESSION NC_001318 VERSION NC_001318.1 GI:15594346 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Borrelia burgdorferi B31 ORGANISM Borrelia burgdorferi B31 Bacteria; Spirochaetes; Spirochaetales; Spirochaetaceae; Borrelia; Borrelia burgdorferi group. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 910724) AUTHORS Fraser,C.M., Casjens,S., Huang,W.M., Sutton,G.G., Clayton,R.A., Lathigra,R., White,O., Ketchum,K.A., Dodson,R., Hickey,E.K., Gwinn,M., Dougherty,B., Tomb,J.-F., Fleischmann,R.D., Richardson,D., Peterson,J., Kerlavage,A.R., Quackenbush,J., Salzberg,S., Hanson,M., van-Vugt,R., Palmer,N., Adams,M.D., Gocayne,J.D., Weidman,J., Utterback,T., Watthey,L., McDonald,L., Artiach,P., Bowman,C., Garland,S., Fujii,C., Cotton,M.D., Horst,K., Roberts,K., Hatch,B., Smith,H.O. and Venter,J.C. TITLE Genomic sequence of a Lyme disease spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi JOURNAL Nature 390 (6660), 580-586 (1997) PUBMED 9403685 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 910724) CONSRTM NCBI Genome Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (13-SEP-2001) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 910724) AUTHORS Fraser,C.M., Casjens,S., Huang,W.M., Sutton,G.G., Clayton,R.A., Lathigra,R., White,O., Ketchum,K.A., Dodson,R., Hickey,E.K., Gwinn,M., Dougherty,B., Tomb,J.-F., Fleischmann,R.D., Richardson,D., Peterson,J., Kerlavage,A.R., Quackenbush,J., Salzberg,S., Hanson,M., van-Vugt,R., Palmer,N., Adams,M.D., Gocayne,J.D., Weidman,J., Utterback,T., Watthey,L., McDonald,L., Artiach,P., Bowman,C., Garland,S., Fujii,C., Cotton,M.D., Horst,K., Roberts,K., Hatch,B., Smith,H.O. and Venter,J.C. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (12-DEC-1997) The Institute for Genomic Research, 9712 Medical Center Dr, Rockville, MD 20850, USA COMMENT PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from AE000783. COMPLETENESS: full length.
Расположение РНК
[править]Начало | Конец | Направление | Длина | PID | Ген | COG | Комментарий |
202693 | 202765 | + | 73 | 15594346 | BB_t01 | - | 19 Cys tRNA |
206428 | 206500 | + | 73 | 15594346 | BB_t02 | - | 17 Phe tRNA |
408120 | 408192 | - | 73 | 15594346 | BB_t03 | - | 20 Trp tRNA |
435201 | 435312 | - | 112 | 15594346 | BB_r01 | - | 5S ribosomal RNA |
435334 | 438267 | - | 2934 | 15594346 | BB_r02 | - | 23S ribosomal RNA |
438446 | 438557 | - | 112 | 15594346 | BB_r03 | - | 5S ribosomal RNA |
438590 | 441508 | - | 2919 | 15594346 | BB_r04 | - | 23S ribosomal RNA |
443623 | 443696 | + | 74 | 15594346 | BB_t04 | - | 14 Ile tRNA |
444336 | 444409 | - | 74 | 15594346 | BB_t05 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
444581 | 446118 | - | 1538 | 15594346 | BB_r05 | - | 16S ribosomal RNA |
482222 | 482308 | + | 87 | 15594346 | BB_t06 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
547725 | 547797 | - | 73 | 15594346 | BB_t07 | - | 10 Lys tRNA |
636144 | 636216 | + | 73 | 15594346 | BB_t08 | - | 09 His tRNA |
636481 | 636552 | + | 72 | 15594346 | BB_t09 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
648466 | 648539 | + | 74 | 15594346 | BB_t10 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
656945 | 657016 | + | 72 | 15594346 | BB_t11 | - | 07 Asn tRNA |
663067 | 663140 | - | 74 | 15594346 | BB_t12 | - | 06 Asp tRNA |
730515 | 730588 | - | 74 | 15594346 | BB_t13 | - | 13 Val tRNA |
744933 | 745006 | + | 74 | 15594346 | BB_t14 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |
789047 | 789119 | - | 73 | 15594346 | BB_t15 | - | 03 Pro tRNA |
789127 | 789200 | - | 74 | 15594346 | BB_t16 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
801846 | 801928 | + | 83 | 15594346 | BB_t17 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
823168 | 823239 | + | 72 | 15594346 | BB_t18 | - | 05 Gln tRNA |