Геном прокариот/Материалы:NC 003103
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LOCUS NC_003103 1268755 bp DNA circular BCT 14-SEP-2007 DEFINITION Rickettsia conorii str. Malish 7, complete genome. ACCESSION NC_003103 VERSION NC_003103.1 GI:15891923 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Rickettsia conorii str. Malish 7 ORGANISM Rickettsia conorii str. Malish 7 Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rickettsiales; Rickettsiaceae; Rickettsieae; Rickettsia; spotted fever group. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1268755) AUTHORS Ogata,H., Audic,S., Renesto-Audiffren,P., Fournier,P.-E., Barbe,V., Samson,D., Roux,V., Cossart,P., Weissenbach,J., Claverie,J.-M. and Raoult,D. TITLE Mechanisms of evolution in Rickettsia conorii and R. prowazekii JOURNAL Science 293 (5537), 2093-2098 (2001) PUBMED 11557893 REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Ogata,H., Audic,S. and Claverie,J.-M. TITLE Selfish DNA and the origin of genes JOURNAL Science 291 (5502), 252-253 (2001) REFERENCE 3 (sites) AUTHORS Ogata,H., Audic,S., Barbe,V., Artiguenave,F., Fournier,P.E., Raoult,D. and Claverie,J.M. TITLE Selfish DNA in protein-coding genes of Rickettsia JOURNAL Science 290 (5490), 347-350 (2000) PUBMED 11030655 REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 1268755) CONSRTM NCBI Genome Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (10-SEP-2004) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA REFERENCE 5 (bases 1 to 1268755) CONSRTM NCBI Microbial Genomes Annotation Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-OCT-2001) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA COMMENT PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from AE006914. A public version of R. conorii genome database is accessible at http://igs-server.cnrs-mrs.fr/. The database intends to provide updated data. Annotation of the genome is an ongoing task whose goal is to make the genome sequence more useful. Comments to the authors are appreciated. COMPLETENESS: full length.
Расположение РНК
[править]Начало | Конец | Направление | Длина | PID | Ген | COG | Комментарий |
9599 | 9671 | - | 73 | 15891923 | RCRNA01 | - | 17 Phe tRNA |
23116 | 23187 | + | 72 | 15891923 | RCRNA02 | - | 04 Glu tRNA |
103652 | 103723 | + | 72 | 15891923 | RCRNA03 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |
129858 | 129931 | + | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA04 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
174538 | 174610 | + | 73 | 15891923 | RCRNA05 | - | 20 Trp tRNA |
208823 | 208895 | - | 73 | 15891923 | RCRNA06 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |
281797 | 284557 | + | 2761 | 15891923 | RCRNA07 | - | 23S ribosomal RNA |
284830 | 284948 | + | 119 | 15891923 | RCRNA08 | - | 5S ribosomal RNA |
320146 | 320219 | + | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA09 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
368645 | 368716 | + | 72 | 15891923 | RCRNA10 | - | 07 Asn tRNA |
484281 | 484352 | + | 72 | 15891923 | RCRNA11 | - | 19 Cys tRNA |
515025 | 515097 | + | 73 | 15891923 | RCRNA12 | - | 10 Lys tRNA |
515115 | 515188 | + | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA13 | - | 14 Ile tRNA |
618439 | 618512 | - | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA14 | - | 06 Asp tRNA |
659534 | 659618 | - | 85 | 15891923 | RCRNA15 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
681947 | 682033 | - | 87 | 15891923 | RCRNA16 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
696562 | 696635 | + | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA17 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
696760 | 696830 | - | 71 | 15891923 | RCRNA18 | - | 05 Gln tRNA |
712406 | 712478 | - | 73 | 15891923 | RCRNA19 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
716649 | 716722 | + | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA20 | - | 17 Phe tRNA |
739371 | 739828 | - | 458 | 15891923 | RCRNA21 | - | RNA subunit (M1 RNA) of ribonuclease P |
781318 | 781391 | + | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA22 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
822182 | 822253 | - | 72 | 15891923 | RCRNA23 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
834174 | 834257 | + | 84 | 15891923 | RCRNA24 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
838946 | 839017 | + | 72 | 15891923 | RCRNA25 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
884601 | 886108 | - | 1508 | 15891923 | RCRNA26 | - | 16S ribosomal RNA |
920264 | 920336 | - | 73 | 15891923 | RCRNA27 | - | 13 Val tRNA |
935729 | 935799 | - | 71 | 15891923 | RCRNA28 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
935938 | 936020 | - | 83 | 15891923 | RCRNA29 | - | 18 Tyr tRNA |
947443 | 947525 | + | 83 | 15891923 | RCRNA30 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
992644 | 992717 | + | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA31 | - | 09 His tRNA |
1030815 | 1031288 | - | 474 | 15891923 | RCRNA32 | - | tmRNA precursor gene encoding two pieces of RNA molecules |
1040211 | 1040299 | + | 89 | 15891923 | RCRNA33 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
1096104 | 1096177 | - | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA34 | - | 14 Ile tRNA |
1167246 | 1167319 | + | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA35 | - | 03 Pro tRNA |
1203268 | 1203341 | - | 74 | 15891923 | RCRNA36 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
1249266 | 1249347 | - | 82 | 15891923 | RCRNA37 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
1256447 | 1256518 | - | 72 | 15891923 | RCRNA38 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |