Материалы:NC 004061
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LOCUS NC_004061 641454 bp DNA circular BCT 03-APR-2006 DEFINITION Buchnera aphidicola str. Sg (Schizaphis graminum), complete genome. ACCESSION NC_004061 VERSION NC_004061.1 GI:21672294 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Buchnera aphidicola str. Sg (Schizaphis graminum) ORGANISM Buchnera aphidicola str. Sg (Schizaphis graminum) Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Enterobacteriales; Enterobacteriaceae; Buchnera. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 641454) AUTHORS Tamas,I., Klasson,L., Canback,B., Naslund,A.K., Eriksson,A.S., Wernegreen,J.J., Sandstrom,J.P., Moran,N.A. and Andersson,S.G. TITLE 50 million years of genomic stasis in endosymbiotic bacteria JOURNAL Science 296 (5577), 2376-2379 (2002) PUBMED 12089438 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 641454) AUTHORS . CONSRTM NCBI Genome Project TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (10-SEP-2004) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 641454) AUTHORS NCBI Microbial Genomes Annotation Project. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (24-AUG-2001) National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA COMMENT PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from AE013218. REFSEQ gene predictions performed by GeneMark 2.4/GeneMark.hmm 2.0 with comparison to original submitter provided annotation. tRNA spans validated with tRNAscan-SE v.1.23. COMPLETENESS: full length.
Расположение РНК
[править]Начало | Конец | Направление | Длина | PID | Ген | COG | Комментарий |
17956 | 18028 | - | 73 | 21672294 | BUsg584 | - | 17 Phe tRNA |
48600 | 48672 | - | 73 | 21672294 | BUsg585 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |
48697 | 48767 | - | 71 | 21672294 | BUsg586 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
48774 | 48855 | - | 82 | 21672294 | BUsg587 | - | 18 Tyr tRNA |
48870 | 48942 | - | 73 | 21672294 | BUsg588 | - | 12 Thr tRNA |
74766 | 74838 | - | 73 | 21672294 | BUsg589 | - | 10 Lys tRNA |
74852 | 74924 | - | 73 | 21672294 | BUsg590 | - | 13 Val tRNA |
76793 | 76864 | + | 72 | 21672294 | BUsg591 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
93336 | 93659 | - | 324 | 21672294 | BUsg617 | - | ribonuclease P RNA component |
117388 | 117461 | - | 74 | 21672294 | BUsg592 | - | 13 Val tRNA |
203361 | 203736 | - | 376 | 21672294 | BUsg593 | - | tmRNA |
275522 | 277031 | + | 1510 | 21672294 | BUsg618 | - | 16S ribosomal RNA |
277128 | 277201 | + | 74 | 21672294 | BUsg594 | - | 14 Ile tRNA |
277221 | 277293 | + | 73 | 21672294 | BUsg595 | - | 02 Ala tRNA |
279396 | 279469 | + | 74 | 21672294 | BUsg596 | - | 06 Asp tRNA |
366117 | 366201 | - | 85 | 21672294 | BUsg597 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
366219 | 366289 | - | 71 | 21672294 | BUsg598 | - | 19 Cys tRNA |
366450 | 366534 | + | 85 | 21672294 | BUsg599 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
420585 | 420666 | - | 82 | 21672294 | BUsg600 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
443338 | 443427 | + | 90 | 21672294 | BUsg601 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
443463 | 443536 | + | 74 | 21672294 | BUsg602 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
449630 | 449701 | - | 72 | 21672294 | BUsg603 | - | 05 Gln tRNA |
449742 | 449823 | - | 82 | 21672294 | BUsg604 | - | 15 Leu tRNA |
449836 | 449909 | - | 74 | 21672294 | BUsg605 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
505385 | 505458 | - | 74 | 21672294 | BUsg606 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
536611 | 536684 | - | 74 | 21672294 | BUsg607 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
540138 | 540257 | - | 120 | 21672294 | BUsg619 | - | 5S ribosomal RNA |
540354 | 543274 | - | 2921 | 21672294 | BUsg620 | - | 23S ribosomal RNA |
543452 | 543523 | - | 72 | 21672294 | BUsg608 | - | 04 Glu tRNA |
575257 | 575341 | + | 85 | 21672294 | BUsg609 | - | 08 Ser tRNA |
592841 | 592913 | - | 73 | 21672294 | BUsg610 | - | 07 Asn tRNA |
593047 | 593119 | + | 73 | 21672294 | BUsg611 | - | 16 Met tRNA |
611053 | 611125 | + | 73 | 21672294 | BUsg612 | - | 01 Gly tRNA |
626413 | 626486 | - | 74 | 21672294 | BUsg613 | - | 03 Pro tRNA |
626520 | 626592 | - | 73 | 21672294 | BUsg614 | - | 09 His tRNA |
626632 | 626706 | - | 75 | 21672294 | BUsg615 | - | 11 Arg tRNA |
634355 | 634428 | - | 74 | 21672294 | BUsg616 | - | 20 Trp tRNA |